As the long hot days of Summer come to an end, our bodies begin the process of switching gears to adjust to the oncoming cold and darkness of Winter. During this time of seasonal transitions, our immune system can find it difficult to keep up with the changing environment. It has to work hard to quickly adapt to the shifting temperatures of seasonal change. According to Chinese medicine, the shorter days of Fall, longer nights and cooler temperatures can be taxing to our immune system. When our immune system is under stress, our bodies are much more susceptible to colds, flu and allergies. As the days shorten, many of us notice the need for more sleep or the desire to do less, not more. This is a natural cycle of life but not one that modern living allows us to accommodate. Work, family, social commitments, along with our perceived lack of time, cause us to override our need to slow down. This causes our immune system to work harder -- becoming less and less efficient and effective over time.
Luckily, there are many ways for us to strengthen our immune system so illness can be fended off or its symptoms lessened. Regular exercise, acupuncture and massage therapy are excellent ways to support one’s immune system. Tinctures can be especially useful at points of seasonal change. Humboldt Apothecary Breathe promotes respiratory health, eases congestion and relieves symptoms associated with allergies. Their Deep Sleep helps one sleep restfully through the night, allowing our bodies, minds and immune system to rest, repair and recharge. Times of seasonal change can provide a reminder of something we should be doing throughout the year -- taking care of ourselves and listening to the needs of our bodies.
Cloverdale Wellness, LLC
Located in Historic Downtown Cloverdale
Sciani Building - 2nd Floor
124 S. Cloverdale Blvd. Suite #140B
Elevator Access on South Side of Building
Lic #C10-0000792-LIC
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